A wonderful way
to leave behind a
lasting gift
After providing for your loved ones, a gift to The Health Tree Foundation is another way of showing how much you care – because small or large, your gift will help to improve health and wellbeing for your family and everyone in Northern Lincolnshire and Goole.
Many of the gifts we receive are from people who want to ‘give something back’ to the hospitals out of gratitude for the care and support they may have received or to say thank you for the care of a loved one.
Legacies have enabled our charity to make inspiring improvements to care across all our hospitals
It is important that we can ensure funds are used where the need is greatest, and we work closely with our NHS colleagues to fund the projects that will have the biggest impact on health and wellbeing.
You can help by giving gifts that enable this, by giving your gift to be used wherever the need is greatest.
Of course, sometimes people prefer to leave a gift to a particular area of work or a part of the hospital with which they have a connection – something that’s close to their heart.
We can help with providing guidance on how to word your gift to ensure your wishes are met.

Your donation
could go a long way…
It’s not nice to think too much about what happens when we pass away, but it is comforting to know that choices you make now could make a really big difference for years to come after you’re gone. With the Health Tree Foundation, you have the benefit of knowing that your donation will be spent in your local hospitals, and could benefit friends, family, and your local community long into the future.
Our team will be happy to speak with you about how leaving a gift in your will can help local hospitals, and have a huge impact on local lives, we’ll guide you through the benefits of leaving a ‘bequest’ donation to The Health Tree Foundation – before helping you put one in place if you choose to do so.