Play your part today to make a difference to our local NHS

Help us make a difference by making a donation today or playing your part in our different ways to raise funds.


Get Involved

You can fundraise for us in all kinds of ways. From having a bake-off in your office or hosting a coffee morning at home, to running across the Humber Bridge or parachuting in fancy dress!

We’ll help you help us by offering advice, provide supporting materials and above all giving you the encouragement you need to make a big difference.

You can also take part in our pre planned events, please see all details here.

The funds you raise will improve the patient experience within our hospitals above and beyond NHS Core Equipment, support research that makes the ‘treatments of tomorrow’ possible and provide specialist medical training to complement the state-of-the-art equipment we help to fund.

If you have received great care or would like to donate to a particular ward/department, please contact us and we will support you with this donation.

Group 629

Gift Aid ensures that any donation you make goes further

Set up your own fundraising event

Would your workplace, school or local community group like to set up your own event? Download your own Fundraising Kit today, or contact our team for help with setting up your own event!

Download your Fundraising Pack here!


Want to get involved?

Take a look at our pre-planned events that you can join

wear pink day

Wear it Pink Day

Help us raise funds for the Pink Rose Suite at Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby by wearing pink.

18/10/2024 – 18/10/2024

More event details >

seventy for september

Seventy for September

Walk/run 70 miles through September to raise money for your local hospital!

01/09/2024 – 30/09/2024

More event details >

scrubs challenge

Scrubs Summer Challenge

Children can raise funds for The Health Tree Foundation’s ‘Little Lives Appeal’ by getting sponsors for performing chores.

charity bingo

Charity Bingo Night

Join us for a night of fun, raising money to improve patient experiences at Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby.

07/09/2024 07/09/2024

More event details >

Key projects that we’re proud of

Thanks to your ongoing support, we have been successful with amazing projects, from additional extras within our new A&E Departments including Paediatric waiting areas, with interactive flooring, mobile phone charging units and indoor Skylights to state-of-the-art Equipment for our Rear into Gear appeal to support patients with Bowel Cancer. 



A&E Appeal for Diana Princess of Wales Hospital & Scunthorpe General Hospital



Maternity Bereavement Suite at Scunthorpe General Hospital




Rear into Gear Appeal at Diana, Princes of Wales Hospital, Scunthorpe General Hospital


How to get involved

Your support means the world to us, and we cannot make the changes we do without you!

Find out how you can get involved or support one of our projects today!

Create a wish

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Leave a legacy

Are you a local group or business?

Perhaps your organisation is looking for a ‘charity of the year’, or your part of a group who love to get involved in local projects and want to get behind a single cause? Whatever your motivation, we’d love to help you help us.

Choose us and we’ll help you with suggestions for fundraising activities throughout the year and recognise your organisation on our website and in social media. Find out how to become a fundraiser and get behind our work with hundreds of others who have made us their charity of choice.

Recent Fundraisers

cleethorpes golf club

New RITA Machine

Local Dementia patients are benefiting from a new machine thanks to generous donation by Cleethorpes Golf Club.

More event details >


London to Paris

Jenny Smith, Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon at Grimsby hospital cycle from London to Paris raising funds for our breast unit.

More event details >

Scrubs accepting cheque

NICU fundraiser

Babies on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Grimsby will benefit from a fundraising event to raise vital equipment

More event details >

scrubs in a field<br />

Charity Fundraiser Swim

A fundraiser is set to raise thousands for Scunthorpe’s Colorectal department by taking part in a charity swim.

More event details >