Your local NHS charity
As a local charity, we rely on support from our local communities. Generous donations and fundraising efforts can help improve patients experience when coming into our hospitals.
We grants wishes to help provide above and beyond equipment for our wards and departments, over and above the NHS Core Items.
Join the community and stay up to date with our latest news and events

Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby

Goole and District Hospital

Scunthorpe General Hospital
Meet Scrubs
Scrubs the Bear is a large and cuddly Mascot for The Health Tree Foundation.
Don’t be alarmed if you spot Scrubs at your local Hospital! He will be there to entertain youngsters on the children’s wards, warm the hearts of the Trust’s adult patients, and encourage the communities to raise funds for each hospital.
If you would like Scrubs to attend your event, school, place of work or even support group, contact our team today and arrange for a special visit from Scrubs!

Create a wish
The Health Tree Foundation grants wishes to help provide above and beyond equipment for our wards and departments, over and above the NHS Core Items.
Find out how you can Create a wish today!
Create a wish
The Health Tree Foundation grants wishes to help provide above and beyond equipment for our wards and departments, over and above the NHS Core Items.
Find out how you can Create a wish today!

A warm welcome from the moment you walk through our doors
At the Health Tree Foundation we want to ensure that each and every time someone walks through the hospital doors – whether for emergency or planned treatment – the best available equipment is waiting for them, in a comfortable and welcoming environment.
A warm welcome from the moment you walk through our doors
As a local charity, we rely on support from our local communities. Generous donations and wonderful fundraising efforts can help improve patients’ experience when coming into our hospitals as an inpatient and also outpatient appointments.

Latest events to get involved in
At The Health Tree Foundation we have lots of events planned that you can get involved with.

Wear it Pink Day
Help us raise funds for the Pink Rose Suite at Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby by wearing pink.
18/10/2024 – 18/10/2024

Seventy for September
Walk/run 70 miles through September to raise money for your local hospital!
01/09/2024 – 30/09/2024

Scrubs Summer Challenge
Children can raise funds for The Health Tree Foundation’s ‘Little Lives Appeal’ by getting sponsors for performing chores.
Summer 2024

Charity Bingo Night
Join us for a night of fun, raising money to improve patient experiences at Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby.
07/09/2024 – 07/09/2024
Your Achievements
In 2022/2023
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Wishes granted
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Spent on wishes
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Small changes BIG differences
We could not have achieved any of these changes and improvements without the backing of our local communities, corporate support and those who kindly remembered us in their wishes.
Cutting Edge
New Emergency Department
Cancer Detecting Machine
End of Life
Thank you all for your continued support for our local hospitals and allowing us to improve the patient experience from sensory rooms, specialist training equipment, state of the art equipment for treatment and waiting room improvements.